"*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* Date of birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Gender* Male Female Preferred unit of measurement* Metric (kg, cm) Imperial (lbs, in) Weight (lbs)* Weight (kg)* Height (in)* Height (cm)* Primary goal* Lose weight Gain muscle General fitness Level of training experience* Beginner Intermediate Advanced Equipment Access* Full gym Bodyweight Dumbbells Bands Kettlebells How many days per week would like to workout?* 3 4 5 6 Daily activity level* Sedentary Lightly active Moderately active Very active Nutrition Preference* Balanced Low carb Low fat High Protein Select any foods you would like to avoid Based on the selection to avoid foods, Trainerize meal plans will be generated. fish shellfish eggs dairy soy gluten treeNuts peanuts meat What habit(s) would you like to work on?* Select up to three Eat protein Eat good fats Eat complex carbs Eat vegetables Follow portion guides Practice eating slowly Eat until 80% full Prepare your own meals Drink only zero-calorie drinks Abstain from alcohol Take a more active route Make it easier to work out Do an enjoyable activity Recruit social support Reward yourself after workouts Prioritize self-care Celebrate your wins Digital detox before bed Practice a bedtime ritual